Go Deeper
Build Holy Habits
- Daily prayer devotionals & reflections - FREE! (Dynamic Catholic, Blessed Is She, The Catholic Telegraph, Franciscan Media)
- Daily mass - Schedule here (learn more about Holy Communion)
- Eucharistic adoration (FAQs) - Cluster schedule here, all local adoration times here
- If St. Henry Schools are delayed or canceled (due to weather), adoration is canceled.
- Regular confession - Why & how to go, prepare, where, when, etc., all local confession times here
Learn about our Faith
- In-person
- The Mass series: 'I don't get anything out of Mass." Join us as we dig into the Mass and ask big questions together. Join us in person on Thursdays at 7:30pm (January 19-February 23) at the St. Henry Church Basement! Experience the Mass in a whole new way!
- Or sign up here to get insights from Archbishop Schnurr and join us virtually.
- Join the INSPIRE group anytime! Meets Wednesday nights at 7pm October through April in the St. Henry church basement. This is a deeper dive into the who, what and why's of our faith. Come with your questions!
- Join our Mens Group! Meets two Saturdays per month (2nd and 4th Saturday) at 6am in the St. Bernard church basement for coffee and donuts!
- Theologically Thirsty Thursdays - faith, friends, and a few beers!
- Mount St. Mary’s School of Theology will offer our two-year non-degreed certificate at the St. Charles Center.
- The full program of courses and formation meets the prerequisites for men applying to the permanent diaconate and prepares men and women to serve effectively in a wide variety of ministerial roles.
- Choose a Bible/book study at the Maria Stein Shrine to join!
- The Mass series: 'I don't get anything out of Mass." Join us as we dig into the Mass and ask big questions together. Join us in person on Thursdays at 7:30pm (January 19-February 23) at the St. Henry Church Basement! Experience the Mass in a whole new way!
- Virtually, anytime -
- The Mass series: 'I don't get anything out of Mass." Join us as we dig into the Mass and ask big questions together. Join us in person on Thursdays at 7:30pm (January 19-February 23) at the St. Henry Church Basement! Experience the Mass in a whole new way!
- Or sign up here to get insights from Archbishop Schnurr and join us virtually.
- Download FORMED for free to unlock hundreds of bible studies, audios, videos, etc.
- Visit Formed.org
- Click Sign Up and select I belong to a Parish or Organization
- Find your parish by name or zip
- Enter your email and you’re in! (St. Henry Cluster Parishes, Code: N8WVAY)
- Visit Formed.org
- Marriage resources for the engaged, newly-wed, been married for years, happy, or struggling
Check out our blog to dig deeper and stay in the loop at the parish
- FREE Podcasts
- Read the whole Bible in a Year by listening to it on a Podcast (about 20 mins per day) with some guidance from Fr. Mike Schmitz
- Ask Fr. Josh is a podcast where listeners can submit questions to Fr, and he answers them! About 3-4 questions are answered per episode.
- Girlfriends podcast. Connect with Girlfriends. Know your worth. Find your joy.
- The Tightrope is your Catholic podcast where we take 3-5 minutes to see and embrace the opportunities embedded in our busy, messy lives that are meant to help us move towards heaven. Together, we walk the tension between living this life fully while being on our way to the next.
- The Mass series: 'I don't get anything out of Mass." Join us as we dig into the Mass and ask big questions together. Join us in person on Thursdays at 7:30pm (January 19-February 23) at the St. Henry Church Basement! Experience the Mass in a whole new way!
- Become Catholic!
Find Community
Dealing with Grief: During the summer, we offer a 13-week Grief Share Program. We offer a safe space to talk confidentially, a lending library with grief materials is also available in the cluster office to parishioners that may find them beneficial.
Variety of Groups @ Do Good: Do Good offers a wide variety of ministries for people of all ages! Learn more, here. Bible studies, health care for those in need, tutoring services, kids ministries, trivia nights for teens/adults, exercise classes, baby ministries...
- Young Adults: Quo Vadis (young adults 18-29!) All details regarding events can be found on their social media platforms. Facebook, Instagram
Same-Sex Attraction: Courage seeks to provide fellowship and support to Catholics who experience same-sex attraction, and who desire to grow in holiness by embracing chastity and charity, and by deepening their relationship with God. If you experience same-sex attractions and feel in your heart that the answers you seek are in Christ, check out Courage International at CourageRC.org. And know that we are praying for you!
- Family Members of those who identify as LGBTQ: EnCourage is for parents, spouses, and siblings of people who identify as LGBTQ. EnCourage members work together to understand the experiences of their loved ones, and to respond to them with compassion. They find spiritual guidance to grow in their relationship with Christ, and community support from other members that helps them remember that they are not alone on this journey. Our Archdiocese offers this for YOU; click here to learn more.
- High Schoolers & Middle Schoolers: Check out our youth programs offering small groups, breakfast club, retreats, and a wide variety of opportunities to grow here.