Altar Servers

Serving at the Altar of God

server training video: entrance procession

On behalf of all the People of God, Altar Servers assist the Priest in his sacred duty to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the re-presentation of the one sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Servers are important in carrying out the work of the liturgy in a smooth and reverent fashion. 

“Serve Jesus present in the Eucharist generously. It is an important task that enables you to be particularly close to the Lord and to grow in true and profound friendship with him.” Pope Benedict XVI

Boys and girls in fourth grade and above are welcome to serve. All servers will receive annual training and ongoing formation. 

If you are interested in serving at the altar, please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you. 

server training video: offertoryserver training video: how to serve well and why it matters to serve well server training video: concluding ritesserver training video: what if i mess up, i'm nervous