Religious Education

Religious Education "Faith formation is more than a subject to be taught- it is an invitation to a way of life."

The goal is true discipleship

Our whole goal with religious education is to transform, not just inform. We're here to help support you in that! We offer classes for kindergarten through 12th grade and RCIA for adults. 

“Not only are the attitudes of teachers crucial for the success of Catholic education but also the attitudes of Catholic parents. Parents must set themselves very definite priorities, such as the determination to have schools in which their children’s faith will be respected, fostered and enriched; schools in which their children learn the value and beauty of the Church’s teaching. They must also see to it that their own homes are places in which these values are first fostered and lived. Parents’ own practice of the faith, their own love for Christ, is of course fundamental.” – Pope John Paul II


Sacramental years are 2nd grade for First Holy Communion (and reconciliation) and 10th grade for Confirmation

1st holy communionconfirmation


Class Times

All programs are open to the entire cluster! 

  • During the school day (at St. Henry): K-12 at St. Henry CCD Center
  • Wednesday (7-8pm): K-12 at St. Bernard
  • Wednesday (7-8pm): 11-12 grades at St. Henry CCD Center
  • RCIA meets Wednesday evenings (October-April) from 7-9pm.

RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of AdultsReligious Ed Sign up, CCD Registration

Any questions can be directed to Rachel (Director of Religious Education).