Congratulations on your engagement! This is one of the most exciting seasons in life. Let us help you get ready for more than just the wedding day. We want to help you prepare for a happy and lasting marriage, not just a happy wedding day. Contact us to get started.
Marriage Preparation Documents:
- To-Do Checklist with timeline
- Mentor Meetings:
- Create FORMED account (choose St. Henry as the parish)
- What to expect at each meeting (meeting 1, meeting 2, meeting 3)
- Beloved Video Series
- Beloved Video Worksheets
- For meeting 1 (videos 1 & 2)
- For meeting 2 (videos 3 & 4)
- For meeting 3 (videos 5 & 6)
- NFP course
- Genesis Retreat (Pre-Cana)
- Documents to Submit to the Office
- Planning Form
- M-1 Questionnaire
Frequently Asked Questions
- I heard that my dad can’t walk me down the aisle for my wedding now. Is this true?
If you would like to have your dad walk you down the aisle, this is still allowed in the Saint Henry Cluster.
The Rite of the Celebration of the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony was recently translated with a few changes. The major change for the celebration of weddings is the wording of the prayers throughout. The official prayers for weddings in the church suggest a number of options for how to begin a wedding. In some parishes or dioceses in the United States, a pastor or bishop has chosen one entrance with the priest, bride and groom, bridal party, and parents processing from the back of the church to the front, nearly identical to the procession in a Sunday Mass. Here in the Saint Henry Cluster, this procession is one option. Another option is for the bride to be escorted by her father or someone else and meet the groom at the front of the church. - How much does it cost to get married in the Cluster?
We request a donation of $150 for couples in the parish. For those from outside one of our parishes, the requested donation is $500. This fee is for the use of the church and the marriage preparation process in the Cluster. It covers all meetings and preparation for the couple in the Cluster. It does not include the Pre-Cana Retreat fee, musicians, or other donations you would like to make to individuals involved in your wedding. If the suggested donation is a hardship, please inform the office. - What documents or paperwork do I have to fill out?
See the overview guide. - I have a relative or friend who is a priest or a deacon. Can he do my wedding?
In the Saint Henry Cluster, you are welcome to have a relative or friend who is a priest or deacon (or even a bishop) preside at your wedding. The marriage preparation for these couples are still the same process. - I live far away from St. Henry and can’t drive back all the time for marriage preparation. What do I do?
Contact the office, your presider or mentor couple: any exceptions to the marriage preparation process must be approved by the Saint Henry Cluster.
Already Married?
- For Your Marriage - for couples at all stages of life to understand and live God’s plan for happy, holy marriages (from the USCCB)
- Retrouvaille Movement - help for struggling marriages
- Natural Family Planning
- FORMED - a free resource (provided by the St. Henry Cluster) helping with all the questions like...
- What is marriage?
- What God intended for marriage
- Teaching on Marriage and Annulments
- Finding Happiness in Marriage (Beloved collection)
- God's design for life and love