I'm New Here
First of all, welcome! We're glad you are here. Going to a new church can be intimidating... What should I wear? Where do my kids go? Here are some frequently asked questions to be sure your time here goes smoothly.
If you want to join our parish by becoming a parishioner, check out the new parishioner form! If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with us or talk with an usher when you visit.
Maybe, you're new to the Catholic church and looking to become Catholic... Check out the details on our RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) program, here.
Frequently Asked Questions
When are services?
See our home page for the most up-to-date schedule.
What should I wear?
Check out this short video by Ascension Presents about why we dress up for mass!
How do I get to the Church?
All of the addresses for our parishes are on their parish page.
I have a hearing problem. Is there any special assistance?
In the back of the church near the front doors, there are special notes on how to set your hearing aids for mass to help!