Parish Council Notes

Parish Council Notes

July 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 7/10/24

Parish Council Notes  Admin Update  Finances:  The new fiscal year began on 7/1/24.  Going forward we are operating as one financial entity. Distributed and explained the update to the Sacrificial Giving section of the bulletin.  We will add special collections when applicable. Buildings/Grounds: St. Bernard Capital Campaign: a letter ... Read More »

June 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 6/17/24

Parish Council Notes  Admin Update  Finances:  Overall finances are similar to last month. Setting up a giving opportunity for parishioners to contribute to the Archbishop's Anniversary gift. We are testing a new giving platform with this and with VBS. Buildings/Grounds: St. Francis Roof: The project is near completion; the ... Read More »

May 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 5/20/24

Parish Council Notes  Admin Update  Finances: Similar update to last month. All parishes are in the black. Buildings/Grounds: St. Francis Roof project has begun. The shingles are going up now. Slate will be started in July. This project was fully funded; however, we're still waiting on a few pledges ... Read More »

April 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 5/01/24

Parish Council Notes  Old Business: review parish mission statement Admin Update  Staffing: We will need a new CYO director for the cluster next year. CCD teachers will be needed for next school year. Finances: At this point in the year (75% way through the fiscal year), each parish is ... Read More »

March 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 3/26/24

Parish Council Notes  Father Hess introduced Josh Wendel as the New Director of Administration. Father would like to apply Pillars of Formation (learned in seminary) to the structure & organization of the council and office staff (human, intellectual, spiritual, pastoral). An organizational chart was presented based on these pillars. ... Read More »

February 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 2/19/24

Parish Council Notes  Father Hess presented a Beacons of Light update Rome is looking into 4 of the 5 parishes' appeals against the merger decree. Finances of the parishes will continue to stay as-is. There have been no changes implemented thus far. Envelopes are still being sorted by parish ... Read More »

January 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 1/25/24

Parish Council Notes  Jared Pottkotter will be taking Dave Wuebker's place on the council. We are looking to hire a Director of Administration full-time.  Sue Nietfeld will be retiring this spring. Our office staff has been restructured.  Our Director of Youth Evangelization has resigned. We will be looking to ... Read More »

December 2023

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 12/20/23

Parish Council Notes  The septic system project at St. Wendelin is running into some issues (seasonal floodplain). More conversations taking place with EPA. Bulletins will be put out during Masses by the ushers from now on. Noticed people reading bulletins during Mass.  Received positive feedback from the financial document ... Read More »

November 2023

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 12/20/23

Parish Council Notes  Dave Wuebker has stepped down from the council. Merger discussions: Parishioners appealed to the Archbishop & were denied. The intention is to go to Rome from here as far as we know.  Other parishes in the diocese have put forth a decree as well.  St. Francis' ... Read More »

August 2023

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 12/20/23

Parish Council Notes  Cemetery Bylaws review: leads of the Cemetery Committees had a meeting to discuss unifying the fees and regulations of the cemeteries. New bylaws are being drafted and will be presented to the Cemetery Board for final approval. Common fees for each cemetery New Staff: Ben Buening was ... Read More »


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