Parish Council Notes
- Admin Update
- Finances:
- Overall finances are similar to last month.
- Setting up a giving opportunity for parishioners to contribute to the Archbishop's Anniversary gift. We are testing a new giving platform with this and with VBS.
- Buildings/Grounds:
- St. Francis Roof: The project is near completion; the slate materials came early.
- St. Henry Sewage Line: a line coming fom the south side of the church basement needs to be replaced. B&L and Lefeld Plumbing will complete the job mid-July. Estimated cost of $15-20k.
- St. Bernard Capital Campaign Phase 3 Masonry Work was discussed and has experienced immense delays due to the quoting process—more details to come soon to the parish on kicking off this project.
- Staffing:
- Fr. Grusenmeyer will be arriving on July 1.
- Fr. Jacquemin departs June 30..
- His going away party is June 23. 1:30pm outdoor rosary at Carthagena Park w/open house from 2-4pm. Snacks & Spiritual Bouquet.
- Our St. Bernard CCD Director is stepping down.
- Still discerning what additional support will be needed on staff (support evangelization efforts, CCD center, replace youth minister, teachers, etc.).
- Need a CYO Director beginning this fall.
- Finances:
- Beacon's Update:
- The diocese noted we are considered a merged parish already even though the appeal committee may be taking things to the next level.
- Formation:
- Parish: Possibly offering the St. Joseph Society for men beginning this fall.
- Council & Staff Formation: all will be reading the Soul of the Apostolate by Jean-Baptiste Chautard together
- Spiritual:
- Promotion of the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage
- Human: Feast of St. Henry - July 14:
- Compiling a committee to help organize & run the day
- Fr. Hess will be in Germany (from July 12-22), but Fr. Grusenmeyer will be here to meet parishioners.