2024 archive of Parish Council Notes

2024 archive of Parish Council Notes

July 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 7/10/24

Parish Council Notes  Admin Update  Finances:  The new fiscal year began on 7/1/24.  Going forward we are operating as one financial entity. Distributed and explained the update to the Sacrificial Giving section of the bulletin.  We will add special collections when applicable. Buildings/Grounds: St. Bernard Capital Campaign: a letter ... Read More »

June 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 6/17/24

Parish Council Notes  Admin Update  Finances:  Overall finances are similar to last month. Setting up a giving opportunity for parishioners to contribute to the Archbishop's Anniversary gift. We are testing a new giving platform with this and with VBS. Buildings/Grounds: St. Francis Roof: The project is near completion; the ... Read More »

May 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 5/20/24

Parish Council Notes  Admin Update  Finances: Similar update to last month. All parishes are in the black. Buildings/Grounds: St. Francis Roof project has begun. The shingles are going up now. Slate will be started in July. This project was fully funded; however, we're still waiting on a few pledges ... Read More »

April 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 5/01/24

Parish Council Notes  Old Business: review parish mission statement Admin Update  Staffing: We will need a new CYO director for the cluster next year. CCD teachers will be needed for next school year. Finances: At this point in the year (75% way through the fiscal year), each parish is ... Read More »

March 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 3/26/24

Parish Council Notes  Father Hess introduced Josh Wendel as the New Director of Administration. Father would like to apply Pillars of Formation (learned in seminary) to the structure & organization of the council and office staff (human, intellectual, spiritual, pastoral). An organizational chart was presented based on these pillars. ... Read More »

February 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 2/19/24

Parish Council Notes  Father Hess presented a Beacons of Light update Rome is looking into 4 of the 5 parishes' appeals against the merger decree. Finances of the parishes will continue to stay as-is. There have been no changes implemented thus far. Envelopes are still being sorted by parish ... Read More »

January 2024

Posted by St. Henry Cluster on 1/25/24

Parish Council Notes  Jared Pottkotter will be taking Dave Wuebker's place on the council. We are looking to hire a Director of Administration full-time.  Sue Nietfeld will be retiring this spring. Our office staff has been restructured.  Our Director of Youth Evangelization has resigned. We will be looking to ... Read More »


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