Browsing Parish Council Notes

October 2022

Parish Family Council Notes: October 10, 2022


  • A large portion of discussion was on finalizing the Mass times for February. Feedback from parishioners and logistical reasons led to shifting from the previously proposed schedule.  Council voted and determined the final schedule.


  • A major part of the Beacon’s process is choosing a new name for the Family.  All current patron saints will continue to be the patron of each church building.  This  name will be a new title, connecting us as one family.
  • A brief description of the four options for our new name are listed in this flyer.
  • After prayerfully considering these options, parishioners will get to vote mid-November at all the Masses.
  • The top names will be sent to the Archbishop.


  • Designate Buildings & Grounds committee members and Financial Representative (from current finance council).
  • Any questions or concerns parishioners may have may be brought to any family council member to be added to meeting agenda.
  • Meeting overview will be printed in this monthly flyer.


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